Thank goodness for easy weeks!
Other than the kids having an unexpected day home from school (on top of the MLK holiday day Monday) this week was a breeze. Of course it was busy, but nothing new there 🙂 .
I wrapped up my first series “What the heck is the Keto Diet” and I have to say that it was a LOT more work putting it together then I ever imagined! I actually learned so much this week covering common misconceptions surrounding the keto diet, so I hope that you will check it out!
With all the ‘busy-ness’ around starting this blog I have to admit that I have gotten really lax with my own diet. I've been sticking to keto, but haven't been tracking my macros and I'm sure that I'm going over calories more often than not. I've also not kept good on my commitment to workout 4 days per week 🙁 .
Thank goodness the scale hasn't shown my lack of follow through just yet! But, moving forward, I've decided to make a few changes...
First off, for the time being, I'm going to start tracking again. I don't think it's always necessary to track, but I definitely think it's beneficial to check in every once in awhile. I don't know exactly how long I plan on tracking - probably just a couple of weeks, or until I feel comfortable going back to eating intuitively.
Next, I am cutting back on the sweets. This will be tough for me, because I LOVE making (and eating) sweets. Even though I'm only making keto desserts, I still struggle with sticking to one serving when treats are involved. I also feel like eating sweet flavors makes it harder to eat intuitively because when I taste sweet, I want more, regardless of whether I am truly hungry or not. My plan is to only make one dessert on the weekend and then refrain from desserts during the week - including my beloved fat bombs.
I am actually dabbling with the idea of trying a zero carb diet for a bit. I have already been cutting back on carbs and I notice that the lower my carbs are, the better I feel. I you have tried a zero carb diet feel free to let me know your experience with it down in the comments.
As far as getting back into a regular workout routine, I got nothing. I am totally struggling to make it a habit again and I am up for any and all ideas! I plan on starting the 80 day obsession soon, so I'm hoping the jumping into something new might get the ball rolling again.
Now for the week ahead:
By now, you already know that Monday and Tuesday are my long days at work. They are also my only days at work, so I really can't complain! Last week Kroger had beef roasts by one get one free, so I stocked up big time! I plan on trying a red wine beef roast in the crock pot for supper Monday with leftovers to be eaten on Tuesday.
Wednesday we are doing breakfast for dinner. My middle son, Trenton, also has auditions that night for his school's play. It begins at 5 and typically takes 2 hours. So, I may put Casey (my husband) or Eli (my 14 year old) in charge of this meal. I LOVE breakfast for dinner. We usually make waffles, eggs, bacon or sausage and zucchini home fries.
Thursday ... you guys - I am not even ready for Thursday.
Casey and I will be attending an incoming parent meeting at the HIGH SCHOOL. I repeat - we will be attending a meeting at the school my oldest son will be attending next year, and that school is a freaking high school!!! I don't even know what to say here. It's crazy y'all.
So anyway, Thursday night we are having a marinated London broil and vegetables - or maybe a bottle of wine to drown my sorrows ... we'll see how it goes.
Friday night we are having one of my favorites - butter chicken! I follow the recipe from keto connect, but toss it in the instant pot for easy clean up and serve it with cauliflower rice.
Saturday, Eli will be gone all day on a school trip to Indianapolis and Casey will be busy coaching basketball most of the day - leaving just me, Trent and Lucas here at home. I left supper up to Trenton and he picked homemade frozen pizza, so that's what we are having!
Sunday, we are eating the quintessential keto food keto food - chicken and broccoli Alfredo. Yum, yum, yum. I am telling you what, if you are trying to convince someone in your life to go keto, make them a good Alfredo, let them eat it, and then tell them that on keto, they can literally eat it every. single. day. #SOLD
So that's it for this week. Remember, to pretty pretty PLEASE share any tips for getting back into the workout routine, as well as your experience with a zero carb, carnivore diet. I need all the help I can get folks!
I hope you have an amazing week!
You can find all the recipes for this week's meals HERE.
I don't have recipes for every meal, but the ones I do have will be pinned to the link above.
Some new posts coming to the blog this week include:
- Upside Down (fathead) Pizza Casserole
- Peanut Chicken
- And lastly, How a simple shoe organizer saved my mornings
So be sure to check back throughout the week!
*This post may be sponsored or contain affiliate links, but all opinions are my own. I may earn money from purchases made through the links shared here (at no additional cost to you). This helps to support the site and keeps the content free. Thanks so much for your support!
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